
My experience as an ornithologist goes back almost thirty years, it is based on field work and data analysis, project coordination and wide scale monitoring.

My work on national atlases and international projects has given me the opportunity to apply the principal bird monitoring methods, from indexed censuses, ringing, visual observations and telemetry.


I have worked on conservation projects concerning raptors, galliforms, passeriforms and water fowl.

I have been coordinating  Progetto Migrans since 1998, it studies the migration of raptors in Valle Stura, and I am one of the promoters of the Rete Infomigrans, which involves the major migration sites in Italy with implications abroad.

In 2004 I became the reference for the bearded vulture reintroduction project for Parco Alpi Marittime, and coordinator of the observers network Rete Osservatori Alpi Occidentali

I have been coodinating alpine galliform monitoring in the protected area, collaborating with other territorial groups, and I led habitat analysis and improvement for these birds.

I have published several scientific articles and coauthored theses on various topics, I have done countless evening presentations to the public and I work as a trainer for budding nature guides.

You can download my CV here "Download"

I am available for: 

 - monitoring for Environmental Impact Studies

 - conservation projects and management of priority species and their habitats

 - ornithology courses